On Thursday after work, I went back to my colleague's home for a meal.He said he bought me some tight fit skirt suits for me to try.My sex partners buy me tight skirt suits to see me wear them at work.It makes them hard and want to masturbate.He was so hard at work he asked me to give him a handjob during lunch in his room behind locked doors.He told me he bought some bondage dvds, and asked if i wanted to stay over.i knew he wanted me to leep with him.during sex in his bed,my partner called and said he was returning in two days.i was being fucked at that time...hilarous!He ejaculated into me twice that night (in a condom that overspilled).I didnt mind that as I had the pill, so I usually have unprotected sex.
Come Friday, in a denim pencil skirt that hugged like second skin...I spent the night with the same guy again. His hard penis teases my vagina and I begged him so mch to go inside me.He screwed me 3 times that night...and we slept naked in his semen covered bedsheet!